If it fails to do so after the time limit exceeds, both the decision of administrative license and the insurance license shall become invalid automatically. 逾期不领取的,行政许可决定和保险许可证自动失效。
Do you have a valid international driving license, and insurance card? Also do you have your passport with you? 你带国际驾照、保险证和护照了吗?
Detailed corporate policy and location details, such as license requirements, insurance, and frequent traveler programs; 详细的公司政策和本地细节信息,例如证件要求、保险和常客计划;
The "business departments" as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the business departments which are established by insurance companies and hold a License for Operating Insurance Business. 本规定所称营业部,是指由保险机构设立的持有《经营保险业务许可证》的营业部。
Do you have your driver's license and insurance certificate? 你有驾驶执照和保险凭证吗?
Together with the draft, we'll also send you a complete set of bill of lading, an invoice, and export license, and insurance policy, a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection. 我们还将寄给贵方一整套提单、发票、出口许可证、保险单、产地证书和检验证书。
May I see your license, registration and proof of insurance? 我能看你的驾照,行使证和保险证明吗?
Therefore, government should support lease companies in the area of export license, credit, insurance, tax and account regulations etc. 国家应在出口经营权、信贷、保险、税收及会计法规等方面对租赁公司给予支持。
Because of key concept vehicle exoneration clause is not clear, namely a third party, property damage, spirit of his compensation, driving without license, the scope of medical insurance is unclear, causing confusion. 交强险免责条款因重点概念不明确,即第三者、财产损失、精神抚慰金、无证驾驶、医保用药的范围不明晰,导致适用混乱。